10 Things You Should Never Do To Your Dog

Dogs are really a man's best friend. They make us laugh, keep us company, and make life better. Everyone must own a dog. In fact, some people say that everyone should possess a couple of dogs.

Taking care of a dog is not always easy, but it is definitely worth it. Many dogs work, but they give back a lot of love. Providing proper care will make your dog happier and help the two of you bond. This means knowing what the pet does and does not possess.

Dog lovers know a lot of the right things to do with their pets such as giving them love, food, and shelter. However, there are some things you don't want to do with your dogs. Here are some things to avoid if you have a dog.

1) Leave them in a hot car

Dogs can warm up really quickly. If it is hot outside, it will be hotter in the car. People usually think it's good to leave their pets in a car while fleeing to the store, but that's not. They can die.

2) Feed them too much

Sure, your dog looks nice when begging for food, but overeating can be detrimental to his health. Dogs don't always know when they have enough. Follow a good feeding schedule so they get a lot of food but not a lot.

3) Forget about their teeth

Don't forget to take care of your teeth, so don't neglect your dog's teeth either. While there are products you can use at home to protect your teeth, you should also take your dog to the veterinarian for dental examinations. They need their teeth to eat.

4) Hit them

Sometimes, it may be frustrating to deal with a dog but it's okay to beat them. Because dogs do not understand physical abuse, it is difficult to train them only. Instead of hitting a dog, use other forms of discipline.

5) Use a cage as punishment

Dogs should not be sent to their boxes as punishment. Their boxes should be a place to enjoy. When they are sent there as a discipline, it confuses them and makes training more difficult.

6) Leave them chained

Dogs can be tied for short periods but it is not a good idea to do so for a long time. Being chained can make dogs anxious and depressed. They should be able to run and play.

7) Avoid the veterinarian

Yes, veterinarians are expensive but they can save your pet's health and even his life. Dogs must see their veterinarian regularly for checkups. If your dog is sick, do not try to diagnose him at home. Let the professionals deal with it.

8) Pets from above

You may be used to putting your dog on his head but he doesn't really like it. Because they can't see your hand, it may scare them. Instead, color them from an angle where they can see what you're doing.

9) Be too lenient

It's hard to make a puppy well when it's nice but you can't let dogs run away all the time. Dogs crave structure. If you want a well-behaved pet, you should set some rules. Your dog won't be mad.

10) Stare at them

You may love looking at your dog but don't stare at it in the eyes. Dogs can take this as a challenge or aggression. It's okay to watch them, but don't stare.

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